Ubuntu phone a beautiful experience :
The first smartphones to be sold with Canonical’s Ubuntu OS are due before the year’s end.
Surface content effortlessly :
Scopes guide you to content the way you think about it. Remember that track you were listening to a few days ago? Pick up the Ubuntu phone, swipe to the music scope, glide through the beautiful carousel of track icons and tap to start listening. Fast and fluid, there’s no need to use home buttons or hunt for the right app first.
Savvy search :
Ubuntu’s smart search finds exactly what you want. It searches the device, the web, including online retailers like Amazon, eBay and other scopes. Whether it’s media, apps or information from the web, finding what you’re looking for has never been so easy.
Content and apps :
Scopes are a smart, stunning and straightforward way to discover content and applications on the Ubuntu phone. They neatly organise content into natural categories like video, music, or integrate web content right at the centre of the phone experience, then present it beautifully. Browse with a swipe, open with a touch. It’s a visual and quick way for users to locate their most important content.
Long Battery Life :
Ubuntu for Phones enforces a strict, iOS-like App Cycle policy.Applications cannot run in the background like they can on Android unless they have been whitelisted to do so (e.g., as the default Music app).
Instead app developers are encouraged to use native system services, like Push Messaging and the Content/Media Hubs, to handle their traditional background functionality.
Lots of Apps :
Ubuntu founder Mark Shuttleworth pledged to have the ‘top Android’ apps available on Ubuntu Touch for launch. There’s no indication right now as to whether this goal will be met —if an Instagram client is being brokered in the background, I’ll be very happy— but web-apps make it a moot point.
Source : www.omgubuntu.co.uk