How to fix "press F1 to continue" error on Win :
When a computer starts up with a message like "Drive not found, press F1 to continue," it means the computer is unable to find the default hard drive it uses when it loads. This could be an indication of something easy to fix like a bad BIOS setting or a loose cable; however, it can also indicate a much more complicated problem like a corrupted hard drive registry, a boot sector virus or a broken hard drive.
Pressing F1 to continue is a contingency procedure that can work around an error. The computer may still load into Windows correctly after you press the F1 key. If the computer is able to work correctly with the button-push interruption, the culprit is likely a bad setting in BIOS. This can be fixed by adjusting the BIOS setup or resetting the BIOS. "Drive not found, press F1 to continue" is a BIOS error message. The BIOS handles the basic setup and boot process for your computer and prepares it to load the operating system.
1)- Restart your computer and boot on BIOS by pressing ( Del,f12,f2 ...) and select CMOS :
2)- Now search for "Floppy" :
3)- Hit enter on it and select "Not Installed" :
4)- Now hit F10 on your keyboard and chose yes to save the change , your computer gonna restart and you will never seen this error again.
That's all enjoy ;)