jeudi 4 décembre 2014

How to Remote Control your Windows PC from your Windows Phone

How to Remote Control your Windows PC from your Windows Phone :

Have you ever tried to control your Windows PC or laptop using your Windows Phone? it's really nice to sit on your sofa and make your computer play a video or music without touching it,turn off your computer without getting out of your bed,All these and more are possible if you use a remote control app as PC Remote. How to install it and How to configurate it just follow the steps bellow.

Note : Some things you should take into consideration :

*  Windows Phone and your computer(s) should be connected to the same network.

*  You need to get a server program called PC Remote Server : Download link

*  You should install PC Remote app On your Windows Phone : Donwload link

I)-  How To Configure PC Remote Server On Your    Windows Computer :

1)- After downloading PC Remote Server start it (1)  and allow the acces to internet(2):



II)- How To configurate PC Remote App on Windows Phone :

1)- After all you should download the app : PC Remote

2)- Start PC Remoute from your Windows Phone :

3)- Now hit next to continue :

4)- Now  chose your computer bu his name :

Or add it manually by hiting "plus" :

5)- And finaly all is done you could now control your Windows from your Windows phone while siting on your bad or while your watsing movie...

That's all enjoy ;)

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