vendredi 9 janvier 2015

YouTube will be integrated into the new cryptographic over the coming weeks

It seems that Google is working hard and continuously to develop a platform for video, and in this context some press sources indicated that during the next few weeks, users will be able to deploy technology videos 360 degree view.

And to now this technique is still in vogue dramatically and only a small number of capable cameras on the completion of this formula are no videos, and including the Kodak camera SP360 In addition to that there are no video platform supports the formula 360 degrees.

But it seems that Google wants to YouTube platform to be the first video platform to publish videos panoramic 360 degree view technology, where Google officials confirmed to the site "Gizmodo" that this technology will be available in the next few weeks on YouTube.

It is clear that the arrival of helmets virtual reality technology, especially Samsung Gear VR and Oculus Rift will contribute to the spread of videos display 360 degree view.

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