mardi 10 février 2015

How to install Pantheon Desktop Environment on Ubuntu

How to install Pantheon Desktop Environment on Ubuntu :

Pantheon is the default desktop environment originally created for the elementary OS distribution. It is written from scratch using Vala and the GTK3 toolkit. With regards to usability and appearance, the desktop has some similarities with GNOME Shell and Mac OS X. Because elementary OS itself was built from the same core as Ubuntu LTS versions, installing Pantheon Desktop Environment becomes much easier on the different versions of Ubuntu derivatives.
As noted by the developers, there are changes and updates to Elementary OS meaning newer libraries are included and updated than the Ubuntu libraries, hence you may run into issues or hit a bug when and while using pantheon desktop environment on Ubuntu OS.
Pic :

How to install Pantheon Desktop Envirnment on Ubuntu :

Note : 

Please note that this PPA is sorely for test purposes, so do not install this on your production system. Follow the instructions step by step to successfully install the DE on Ubuntu 14.04

1)- Open a Terminal Window and copy / Paste the cmds bellow :
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:elementary-os/testing
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get upgrade
sudo apt-add-repository ppa:elementary-os/daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install elementary-desktop
2)- After installing Pantheon Desktop Environment you should logout to lightdm and chose Pantheon :


That's all enjoy ;)


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