mercredi 27 janvier 2016

How can you Identify Tons Of Different File Without Opening Them

TrID is a nice little utility to have on your computer for situations like this. Linux users have something similar in the “file” command. TrID identifies file types based on their signatures. What distinguishes TrID is the fact that it uses database of definitions to identify file types. This database is ever expanding (somewhat like definitions for Antivirus programs) and allows TrID to identify a wider range of file types.

Online TrID File Identifier is aimed at users who need to identify files right away. It also saves you from the hassle of downloading the binary definition database separately (more on that later) to get it up and running. It has a simple interface and is also very easy to use. All you need to do is visit the website (via link at the end), click Browse to select the file you need to scan, and click ‘Analyze’.

TrID offer you 3 differents way to identify your files :

  1. Online TrID File Identifier
  2. TrID – File Identifier
  3. TrIDNet

Let's begin with the first one :  Online TrID File Identifier

Just visite TrID website,upload your file and click in Analyze and wait for the result,simple as this.

TrID File Identifier :

TrIDNet is the GUI version of TrID,just browse the file that you want to analyse and click on Analyse.

TrID File Identifier :

TrID File Identifier is the command line version of the app wich allow you to analyse your files with more options as shown on the pic above.


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